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Beijing City International School

Beijing City International School - Chaoyang South
Beijing City International School Introduction
The Beijing City International School (BCIS) is one of ClubFootball's oldest venues, with courses running at the school's impressive campus in the Shuangjing area since the school opened in 2005.
Classes are held on the school's artificial 11-a-side field during the Spring and Autumn seasons, and in the gymnasium during Winter. Classes are available for players aged from Kindergarten (at least 4.5 years old) to Grade 6.
Students from all schools are welcome, however students who attend BCIS will be given priority if courses are over-subscribed. Please click the links on the left for more specific details about the times and dates of Current or Upcoming Courses.
If you do decide to register, please be sure to read the Course Notes and pay particular attention to the school-specific rules listed. Before registering, please also read the notes on refunds and registration FAQ's in the Register section in the toolbar at the top of the page.